Monday, May 28, 2012

Day 4 Night.

28 MAY 2012

To celebrate our last night before Marine week, Colleen and I treated ourselves to Bucca di Beppo! Two of the guys from her unit, Chris and Ryan, joined us as well. We all shared a large family style Fetticini Supremo and cheesy garlic bread and it was AMAZING! Definitely ate well tonight :)

We also had a "who can drink the most glasses of water" contest in order to hydrate for tomorrow. We pretty much all came out even to 3 full glasses during dinner. Once we returned to the hotel though, it turned into a "who can make it back to the bedroom first to unlock the door into the bathroom to go pee first" contest. Colleen won! Haha. Poor me.

It currently won't let me upload the picture that we took at the dinner table for some reason, so I'll try again on Friday.

Also, I'm not bringing my camera to Marine week since electronics are off limits. Kind of bummed about that, but hopefully there will be someone there to take our pictures. Otherwise, I'll just have to vividly describe everything!

Until I blog again on Friday, I bid you farewell and goodnight :)

Day 4 Pictures.

Giraffes. Nom Nom Nom.

Polar Bear. Just hanging around, eating some carrots, the usual.

Cody and I on the Skyfari ride.

Snake. Took this one just for my mom!

Cody, myself, and Cody.

This was my favorite cat there! Can't remember the name :( but it was so cool!

Day 4.

28 MAY 2012

This Memorial Day has a whole new meaning to me as I'm blessed to be a part of the same amazing Navy that my veteran grandfathers and uncles were. I could not be more thankful to God, my parents, and my family and friends for supporting me and believing in me to help me be the person I am today with the opportunities that I have. I think of all the small obstacles (that at the time seemed tremendous) that I've managed to overcome and how they've shaped me into becoming the woman that I desire to be. I then think about all those before me who I've shared the same uniform and love for my country with and strive to be more and more like them. The TRUE heroes of our country. So thank you to all those who have served and fallen before me, I admire your strength and bravery.

On to today's adventures! Due to Memorial Day, the regular scheduled week activities were postponed a day. In celebration, we were all treated to a day at the San Diego Zoo! We got in free with our military ID's. It was awesome. Muster was at 0830 and we left for the zoo shortly after. The zoo is only about a 10 minute (if even) ride away from 32nd street. We were given the entire morning to roam around and do our own thing. I ventured around with my friend Cody and one of his friends Cody, both from Marquette University. My friend Cody is in my platoon and befriended me the first day, so I thought it'd be fun to pal around the zoo with him. The two Cody's often made me laugh and it was a super fun day!

We started at the Monkey's and eventually made our way around the entire zoo. We even took the "Skyfari" cart things that transferred us from the back to front of the zoo through the air. At one point, the boys thought it would be funny to rock the cart to scare me. The whole thing stopped for a while, which we thought was normal, so we took some pictures and continued our conversations. Turned out, they stopped the ride because if we continued rocking it for about 10 more feet there was a chance the cart would have fallen off the cable. Scary!

At 1400, we all mustered in the front to wait for the buses/duty vans. I ended up not getting into the duty van until about 1445 but I enjoyed sitting outside visiting in the mean time.

Now I'm relaxing in my room, putting off packing for Marine Week which starts tomorrow. I've always been really excited, just nervous too. Muster tomorrow is 0630 before we have a seabag inspection and a couple briefs before heading up to Camp Pendleton. I know they have a lot of awesome activities planned for us, I'm just mentally preparing myself for all the being yelled at. I'm glad I've made friends with the other MIDN's in my platoon and especially glad Colleen will be there with me.

I am not allowed to have my phone or my laptop, so unfortunately I won't be able to update nightly throughout the week, but I'll have a lot to say when I return this weekend and will be sure to give you a play by play rundown. 

I won't be here to answer any texts or calls or emails either. Just an FYI.

Also, I know there hasn't been much about what CORTRAMID is SUPPOSED to be about in this blog yet. However, this is literally all we've been doing. It's increasing the camaraderie and definitely showing off San Diego to the kids from out of town. The play will be more worth it when the work is accomplished, but for now I'll take fun and liberty and hanging out with my friends. To anybody unfortunate enough to not have an experience like this, I am so so sorry. Best past 4 days in a LONG while. I am so thankful to be here!

I know it's been all fun and play these past 4 days, but I am ready for my Navy weeks! I want to see ships and I want to see Subs and Jets and... everything! After all, this is why I'm here. I want to get a look at real Navy life and what it's like out in the fleet. I know everyone during Surface, Sub, and Aviation week will be showing off a bit, but still. As of right now, I'm wanting to go SWO Nuc. For all you civilians reading this, that's Surface Warfare Officer, Nuclear. Meaning, I'll be Surface Warfare Officer, specializing in the nuclear field. Click HERE if you'd like to read a job description!  But honestly, I'll be perfectly happy going SWO if the nuclear path doesn't work out. I just want to be on a ship and travel the world while protecting and keeping my country safe. Plus, SWO is definitely a safe path to transferring into what I want to do after my Naval career, but that topic is a discussion for another post. Also, dreams change, so I'm going into this month with an open mind at experiencing each of the communities. Definitely looking forward for it to start... and I don't have to wait long, in less than 24 hours I'll be at Camp Pendleton!

After I finish this post, I'll start packing for Marine Week, double and triple checking I have everything of the packing list, take a short nap, and probably go out to dinner. I'm craving Italian! Going to get a last really good dinner in before 4 days of MRE's. Yuck. I'll probably call it a night pretty early tonight too.

Happy Memorial Day to all.

Day 3 Pictures.

"I'm not Asian, I'm just high!"

"I go green, I use a cucumber"

Christian and I outside of Dick's Last Resort.

Roomie Love!

Day 3.

28 MAY 2012

I'm going to regret writing this right now in the morning, but I figured I might as well write for the last ten minutes and turn off the laptop at 0100.

Today was a GREAT day! I slept in for the most part. Unfortunately, maid service decided to intrude in my room at 0830 and woke me up, but it was best I got going on my morning. Today's uniform was PCA (proper civilian attire). I went to breakfast with Samantha before we had to muster at 1040. Breakfast was decent, nothing to write home about, but I can't complain.

At 1040 we mustered in our usual Bravo spot before walking across the bridge to the wet side to see 21 Jump street. It's free on base so the entire theater was filled up with 500 MIDN. I highly recommend the movie, it was hilarious! Everyone got a good laugh and thoroughly enjoyed the morning. It finished at 1300, so we headed back to dry side. Liberty started at 1300 as well, so majority of the MIDN's took off, however I had watch from 1400-1600 so I grabbed a snack and changed into my NWU's before having to relieve the sentry before me.

Watch is basically just an assigned naval personnel in charge of patrolling the grounds and making sure no shenanigans take place. I was assigned to roving duty with one other boy named Seth. Our first round I took the top 4 floor and he the bottom 4 floors, however we realized how boring it was alone, so we decided to walk together and chat while making sure the hallways were safe. Apparently there was a break in during the patrol right before ours, so we were making sure no doors were left ajar without someone being in the room.

I personally find it sad that there was a break in at a MILITARY ONLY hotel. It's sad to hear that a MIDN or enlisted sailor would stoop to that level. Apparently the room was obviously gone through with stuff thrown everywhere and items missing. Shame on that sailor.

Anyway, chatting with Seth kept things interesting and made time pass faster. The watch bill was organized into companies taking the weekends in order. Alpha/Bravo this weekend, Charlie/Delta next and so on. In a way, I'm glad I had it today to get my shift out of the way. I HOPE I don't have it again!

Once I returned to my room at 1600, Colleen and I went to Fashion Valley mall. We spent about 2 hours in Forever 21 and I returned with 3 shirts, 1 skirt, and 1 pair of PCA sandals. I needed some clothes to go out "downtown" in and I found them! Hopefully next weekend we hit an 18+ club with some friends. Colleen found some cute shorts and a few tops as well. We're both really excited about our new sandals because constantly wearing our Sperry's is getting kind of annoying.

We had planned to spend the evening at the mall, however one of the boys from the University of Florida that I befriended, Christian, invited us to tag along with him and his friends to the Gaslamp District. They were going out to dinner at Dick's Last Resort, so during our starving shopping spree, we decided to head back to base, take quick showers, and take the trolley into downtown. I wore my new tank top and sandals and Colleen wore her new sandals as well!

Dick's was entertaining. The food...decent... and service mediocre if even, but the time with my friends was worth it. It turned out to be a group of 10 at our table, however we ran into 2 other tables of large parties of MIDN's. The dinner was pricey, but oh well. I guess I paid for the memories as well. It's great to have that instant bond with someone when you don't even know, simply over the fact that you both are on CORTRAMID together. It's awesome.

After Dick's we walked to Ghirardelli's for ice cream. I got a scoop of rocky road with hot fudge. mmm! I then found myself to be hanging out with Christian and 3 other guys, so we decided to walk around Fifth st. until returning to the trolley station. By that time, I was pretty tired so I visited with some friends in the lobby for a while before returning to my room.

I really enjoyed today, but I know I'm getting spoiled with the fun first. I know the fun ALWAYS tastes better when you put in the work for it, but it's also nice just being here with everyone, relaxing, going out.. Like tomorrow is Memorial Day and we're going to the San Diego Zoo. Crazy, right?

I'm looking forward to spending the day at the zoo tomorrow with my friends :)

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Day 2 Pictures.

When Bravo Co. first arrived at the beach. We were the first ones there!

Samantha (from my unit), myself, and Colleen (my roommate.)

Drawing in the Sand.

For a lot of people, it was their first time to a California beach.

Future officers or not, guys still like to be silly.

Let's go Bravo!

These guys are all from my unit and are some of my best friends.

Bravo Co before we left the beach.

Day 2.

26 MAY 2012
 Really, I feel like I'm on a paid vacation. I'm staying in a decent hotel, being fed for free, and taking trips to the BEACH! That's right, after our PFA this morning, we went on an entire CORTRAMID Staff and MIDN Picnic at the beach! It was awesome. I'll get there but let me tell you about the PFA first.

First off, the PFA consists of a 1.5 mile run, and as many push ups and sit ups that you can do in 2 minutes. Bravo mustered at 0540 and began at 0620. We stretched and jogged over to the field. I guess one of the downsides of being in A/B Co is always having to be everywhere first which means, early muster times, however we always do everything first and finish first. I'll take an early muster time if that means we finish early. The PFA went well. I did 52 push ups, 71 sit ups, and a 12:25 run. However, I haven't worked out since my last PFA. (that was 2 weeks ago on 4 May) Not working out for 2 week is NOT recommended. I was 20 sit ups less than my PFA on the 4th and ran 2 minutes slower! I was kind of freaked out about that loss, but I still passed which means I gained off base liberty! So exciting.

After the PFA we had 2 hours to get cleaned up and report at 0935 to leave for the beach! My roommate Colleen and I took showers and got cleaned up. They told us proper civilian attire, but beach ware definitely IS NOT appropriate. We both wore shorts and t-shirts and Colleen even put her bikini on. The past two days have been overcast and humid, however today was BEAUTIFUL! It was sunny and warm (waters always cold) but everyone shirtless and tanning. There were multiple games of ultimate frisbee, volleyball, football both tackle and touch, and kicking around soccer balls. They served us hot dogs and hamburgers and we had cake for dessert. It was great to just mingle and be in the sunshine and hang out with so many awesome people. I literally haven't met someone I didn't like here yet.

And coming from a girl, it was also pleasing to the eyes to be surrounded by 300+ shirtless in shape Navy guys ;)

When we returned, approximately 1600, Colleen and I went for a run. We crossed over from the dry side of 32nd st. to the wet side and ran along the ship yard. We made a giant circle around base. It was a medium distance run but since we had the PFA that morning we didn't want to over do it today. It was just nice to go exploring on base. With these two feet God has blessed me with, I can explore any and every where!

After we got in, we showered, got cleaned up and made plans for our first evening with off base liberty! We decided to go ahead and eat at the galley since it is free, but went to see Men in Black III with some friends. My squad leader, his name is Kevin, is really cool. He decided to tag along to see it too. We were going to meet the guys from my unit, but they ended up arriving too late and the 2000 show time was sold out. Lucky me, Colleen, and Kevin because we scored good seats since we bought our tickets online earlier in the day! MIB3 was super entertaining. I really enjoyed it and thoroughly recommend seeing it! Everything made so much more sense.

We came straight back to base and it was about 2230 when we got into our room. We had to check in from the liberty log that we originally signed out of and visited with some friends in the lobby. I'm starting to remember a few of the guys names when I see their faces, so I'm proud of myself.

Also, we all go by first names. Screw last names. :)

I skyped with my parents tonight (Hi Mom, Hi Dad) which was nice. I'm not feeling homesick at all today, mainly because I spent so much time with friends, but it was nice to catch up with my parents. Love you both!

All in all, today was a good day.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Day 1.

25 MAY 2012

Today, our revile was 0430. (A rather disgusting time considering I haven't been up any earlier than 0700 for the past two weeks.) I got changed into my NWU's (my digital blue cami's for those civilians reading) and headed out for muster at 0515. They took accountability, and we had chow, then a full day of briefings. From approximately 0800-1100, we were in briefings all morning. We got medically screened to find out if we were qualified to fly in an aircraft during Aviation week. I passed that (one step closer to going up in a jet!) then filled out a bunch of paperwork, and listened to a guest speaker talk. He was a Rear Admiral. There was also a urinalysis. However, it was rather awkward as those who were on the list today had to walk across the theater, pee over shoulder, in front of everyone sitting down. Thankfully, I wasn't on the list today, but about 20 MIDNS from each company were. I'm sure my turn is coming up though...

After that we broke for liberty until 1215, and then met up for lunch. We reassembled at 1325 to walk over for a full afternoon of more power points. These were hard to stay awake for, as one was on Safety, Sexual Harassment, etc. Even though the PPTS and briefings are boring, talking with the other MIDNs around me is awesome! There's kids from all over the country here! It's really interesting to get to know how their unit is ran and what they're interested in within the Navy/Marine Corp. It's great to surround myself with people who have the same mindsets as I do and find the same things cool as me. I've met so many cool people (can't remember half their names) but making friends is great. Also, the briefings got interesting when they began to explain the planned out week activities. Alpha and Bravo company will be attending weeks in this order: Marine, Surface, Submarine, and finally Aviation. The overviews for the week looked pretty exciting. It was vague, but at least sparked our excitement during those boring PPT's. I'll be sure to explain everything I actually do when I return from the day/week activities!

As excited as I am for this month, going straight from finals to CORTRAMID is rough. I miss home and I'm ready for a lazy summer of nothing. No obligations, no wake up calls, no worries. Pretty soon this month will be over and I probably won't want any of my new friends to leave, but right now, on night 2, I miss home.

Tomorrow is our PFA... we're taking it to determine whether or not we get off-base liberty. I know I'll pass it, I always do, but for some reason, I always get nervous for them! I went out and bought me a sports watch to keep my running time. Wish me luck!

They also put the companies on watch, and I was assigned the 1400-1600 shift on Sunday. Kind of a bummer since if we have watch assigned, we're not allowed to leave base that day. Lame because I wanted to go to the beach Sunday. Oh well. Gotta do what I gotta do!

It's WAY past my 15 minutes, but that's ok. I was taking care of 2 days in 1 post. It's now 2223. I'm 7 minutes over. Time for sleeping. I'm actually gonna get my watch situated then hit the hay. Goodnight everyone. I'll post tomorrow. Goodnight.

Reporting Day.

24 MAY 2012

Today, I arrived in San Diego, CA.... (A short 15 minute drive from my school to where we report and stay for the duration of the month, Naval Base San Diego. AKA what we just call 32nd street.) My unit arrived at 1300, I got all checked in and found out I am living on the 3rd floor. MIDN were able to check in at any time during the day, whenever their planes/buses arrived. Also, the 3rd floor is the all female floor, but I believe a few stragglers got stuck on the 2nd floor.

My roommate showed up about 4 hours after I did. She's a really nice girl from Ohio and we get along great. We're in the same squad in Bravo company so we go everywhere together. It's nice to have a buddy to pal around with. Each MIDN was assigned a roommate from somewhere across the nation. It's awesome because there's about 500 kids here from every direction of the US so the diversity and personalities and constant friend making is great.

The company's were divided by last name into Alpha-Hotel Co. I'm in Bravo company because my last name starts with a 'C'. In fact, I think about 98% of my company has last names of C's which kind of poses a tongue twister during roll call. I like everyone in my company that I've encountered so far. There's definitely those "moto" kids, but I always just let them do their thing while I do mine. I would say Bravo is made up of about 85% males and 15% females. The ratio of Navy to Marine options is about 75% Navy to 25% Marine. Besides our company commander who is a LT, our CoC (Chain of Command) is made up of my peers.

After I got all checked in yesterday, I unpacked. Everything must be put away, so nothing is visible. I organized my giant cabinet looking thing, because we have barrack inspections at random times. They gave us a boxed lunch and I sat outside and visited with one of the girls in my unit. We people watched everyone arrive. At 1800 we all mustered for dinnertime chow. The food was decent, but I do have to say the galley at MCRD is WAY better... So is my college's dining common food... But at least it's edible and free here. After dinner we had on-base liberty so I walked around, made friends, and caught up with an old friend during our walk across the street to the NEX. He needed to buy a belt buckle since when we first got here, they inspected our sea bags to make sure we have all the required items on the packing list.

For the most part, everyone here is really laid back. No screaming, no rush to get here or there... Seems like it's going to be pretty chill. I had ridiculous amounts of free time today which I wasn't expecting at all. Definitely took advantage of that free time though because I know it won't last long, especially since I have Marine week first! In fact, the order of my weeks are 1. Marine 2. Surface 3. Submarine 4. Aviation Alpha/Bravo go to these weeks in this order together. I'm actually really happy I got Marine week first. Since Monday is Memorial Day, we don't leave for Camp Pendleton until Tuesday. That means only 4 days of getting yelled at!



For some reason, my first blog's URL decided not to work, so I made a new one.
The posts from the first few days are behind, but I'll copy and paste them here and update from there.

24 MAY 2012
Approximately 2000

If you're reading this, I assume you're: A) Family or a friend B) One of my friends I made at CORTRAMID C) A future CORTRAMID attendant or D) Someone randomly creeping.

I'm MIDN 3/c Cobarruvias. I attend the NROTC Unit at the University of San Diego. I just completed my freshman year and while that was hell and awesome at the same time, that's a whole other story. Read further if you're interested in hearing about my experience at CORTRAMID West 2012 here in San Diego, CA. (Really far trip for me... not!) I went straight from finals at USD to reporting for CORTRAMID which was rough, I really wanted a break, but in a way, I'm glad I just came straight here, get the cruise taken care of, then have the entire rest of my summer. The upperclassmen keep telling me it's pretty much a paid vacation, but we'll see! I'll probably talk about the agenda, the POW, my experiences, my feelings, stuff like that in this blog.

I hope you enjoy :)