Saturday, May 26, 2012

Reporting Day.

24 MAY 2012

Today, I arrived in San Diego, CA.... (A short 15 minute drive from my school to where we report and stay for the duration of the month, Naval Base San Diego. AKA what we just call 32nd street.) My unit arrived at 1300, I got all checked in and found out I am living on the 3rd floor. MIDN were able to check in at any time during the day, whenever their planes/buses arrived. Also, the 3rd floor is the all female floor, but I believe a few stragglers got stuck on the 2nd floor.

My roommate showed up about 4 hours after I did. She's a really nice girl from Ohio and we get along great. We're in the same squad in Bravo company so we go everywhere together. It's nice to have a buddy to pal around with. Each MIDN was assigned a roommate from somewhere across the nation. It's awesome because there's about 500 kids here from every direction of the US so the diversity and personalities and constant friend making is great.

The company's were divided by last name into Alpha-Hotel Co. I'm in Bravo company because my last name starts with a 'C'. In fact, I think about 98% of my company has last names of C's which kind of poses a tongue twister during roll call. I like everyone in my company that I've encountered so far. There's definitely those "moto" kids, but I always just let them do their thing while I do mine. I would say Bravo is made up of about 85% males and 15% females. The ratio of Navy to Marine options is about 75% Navy to 25% Marine. Besides our company commander who is a LT, our CoC (Chain of Command) is made up of my peers.

After I got all checked in yesterday, I unpacked. Everything must be put away, so nothing is visible. I organized my giant cabinet looking thing, because we have barrack inspections at random times. They gave us a boxed lunch and I sat outside and visited with one of the girls in my unit. We people watched everyone arrive. At 1800 we all mustered for dinnertime chow. The food was decent, but I do have to say the galley at MCRD is WAY better... So is my college's dining common food... But at least it's edible and free here. After dinner we had on-base liberty so I walked around, made friends, and caught up with an old friend during our walk across the street to the NEX. He needed to buy a belt buckle since when we first got here, they inspected our sea bags to make sure we have all the required items on the packing list.

For the most part, everyone here is really laid back. No screaming, no rush to get here or there... Seems like it's going to be pretty chill. I had ridiculous amounts of free time today which I wasn't expecting at all. Definitely took advantage of that free time though because I know it won't last long, especially since I have Marine week first! In fact, the order of my weeks are 1. Marine 2. Surface 3. Submarine 4. Aviation Alpha/Bravo go to these weeks in this order together. I'm actually really happy I got Marine week first. Since Monday is Memorial Day, we don't leave for Camp Pendleton until Tuesday. That means only 4 days of getting yelled at!


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