Sunday, May 27, 2012

Day 2.

26 MAY 2012
 Really, I feel like I'm on a paid vacation. I'm staying in a decent hotel, being fed for free, and taking trips to the BEACH! That's right, after our PFA this morning, we went on an entire CORTRAMID Staff and MIDN Picnic at the beach! It was awesome. I'll get there but let me tell you about the PFA first.

First off, the PFA consists of a 1.5 mile run, and as many push ups and sit ups that you can do in 2 minutes. Bravo mustered at 0540 and began at 0620. We stretched and jogged over to the field. I guess one of the downsides of being in A/B Co is always having to be everywhere first which means, early muster times, however we always do everything first and finish first. I'll take an early muster time if that means we finish early. The PFA went well. I did 52 push ups, 71 sit ups, and a 12:25 run. However, I haven't worked out since my last PFA. (that was 2 weeks ago on 4 May) Not working out for 2 week is NOT recommended. I was 20 sit ups less than my PFA on the 4th and ran 2 minutes slower! I was kind of freaked out about that loss, but I still passed which means I gained off base liberty! So exciting.

After the PFA we had 2 hours to get cleaned up and report at 0935 to leave for the beach! My roommate Colleen and I took showers and got cleaned up. They told us proper civilian attire, but beach ware definitely IS NOT appropriate. We both wore shorts and t-shirts and Colleen even put her bikini on. The past two days have been overcast and humid, however today was BEAUTIFUL! It was sunny and warm (waters always cold) but everyone shirtless and tanning. There were multiple games of ultimate frisbee, volleyball, football both tackle and touch, and kicking around soccer balls. They served us hot dogs and hamburgers and we had cake for dessert. It was great to just mingle and be in the sunshine and hang out with so many awesome people. I literally haven't met someone I didn't like here yet.

And coming from a girl, it was also pleasing to the eyes to be surrounded by 300+ shirtless in shape Navy guys ;)

When we returned, approximately 1600, Colleen and I went for a run. We crossed over from the dry side of 32nd st. to the wet side and ran along the ship yard. We made a giant circle around base. It was a medium distance run but since we had the PFA that morning we didn't want to over do it today. It was just nice to go exploring on base. With these two feet God has blessed me with, I can explore any and every where!

After we got in, we showered, got cleaned up and made plans for our first evening with off base liberty! We decided to go ahead and eat at the galley since it is free, but went to see Men in Black III with some friends. My squad leader, his name is Kevin, is really cool. He decided to tag along to see it too. We were going to meet the guys from my unit, but they ended up arriving too late and the 2000 show time was sold out. Lucky me, Colleen, and Kevin because we scored good seats since we bought our tickets online earlier in the day! MIB3 was super entertaining. I really enjoyed it and thoroughly recommend seeing it! Everything made so much more sense.

We came straight back to base and it was about 2230 when we got into our room. We had to check in from the liberty log that we originally signed out of and visited with some friends in the lobby. I'm starting to remember a few of the guys names when I see their faces, so I'm proud of myself.

Also, we all go by first names. Screw last names. :)

I skyped with my parents tonight (Hi Mom, Hi Dad) which was nice. I'm not feeling homesick at all today, mainly because I spent so much time with friends, but it was nice to catch up with my parents. Love you both!

All in all, today was a good day.

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