Saturday, May 26, 2012


For some reason, my first blog's URL decided not to work, so I made a new one.
The posts from the first few days are behind, but I'll copy and paste them here and update from there.

24 MAY 2012
Approximately 2000

If you're reading this, I assume you're: A) Family or a friend B) One of my friends I made at CORTRAMID C) A future CORTRAMID attendant or D) Someone randomly creeping.

I'm MIDN 3/c Cobarruvias. I attend the NROTC Unit at the University of San Diego. I just completed my freshman year and while that was hell and awesome at the same time, that's a whole other story. Read further if you're interested in hearing about my experience at CORTRAMID West 2012 here in San Diego, CA. (Really far trip for me... not!) I went straight from finals at USD to reporting for CORTRAMID which was rough, I really wanted a break, but in a way, I'm glad I just came straight here, get the cruise taken care of, then have the entire rest of my summer. The upperclassmen keep telling me it's pretty much a paid vacation, but we'll see! I'll probably talk about the agenda, the POW, my experiences, my feelings, stuff like that in this blog.

I hope you enjoy :)

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