Saturday, May 26, 2012

Day 1.

25 MAY 2012

Today, our revile was 0430. (A rather disgusting time considering I haven't been up any earlier than 0700 for the past two weeks.) I got changed into my NWU's (my digital blue cami's for those civilians reading) and headed out for muster at 0515. They took accountability, and we had chow, then a full day of briefings. From approximately 0800-1100, we were in briefings all morning. We got medically screened to find out if we were qualified to fly in an aircraft during Aviation week. I passed that (one step closer to going up in a jet!) then filled out a bunch of paperwork, and listened to a guest speaker talk. He was a Rear Admiral. There was also a urinalysis. However, it was rather awkward as those who were on the list today had to walk across the theater, pee over shoulder, in front of everyone sitting down. Thankfully, I wasn't on the list today, but about 20 MIDNS from each company were. I'm sure my turn is coming up though...

After that we broke for liberty until 1215, and then met up for lunch. We reassembled at 1325 to walk over for a full afternoon of more power points. These were hard to stay awake for, as one was on Safety, Sexual Harassment, etc. Even though the PPTS and briefings are boring, talking with the other MIDNs around me is awesome! There's kids from all over the country here! It's really interesting to get to know how their unit is ran and what they're interested in within the Navy/Marine Corp. It's great to surround myself with people who have the same mindsets as I do and find the same things cool as me. I've met so many cool people (can't remember half their names) but making friends is great. Also, the briefings got interesting when they began to explain the planned out week activities. Alpha and Bravo company will be attending weeks in this order: Marine, Surface, Submarine, and finally Aviation. The overviews for the week looked pretty exciting. It was vague, but at least sparked our excitement during those boring PPT's. I'll be sure to explain everything I actually do when I return from the day/week activities!

As excited as I am for this month, going straight from finals to CORTRAMID is rough. I miss home and I'm ready for a lazy summer of nothing. No obligations, no wake up calls, no worries. Pretty soon this month will be over and I probably won't want any of my new friends to leave, but right now, on night 2, I miss home.

Tomorrow is our PFA... we're taking it to determine whether or not we get off-base liberty. I know I'll pass it, I always do, but for some reason, I always get nervous for them! I went out and bought me a sports watch to keep my running time. Wish me luck!

They also put the companies on watch, and I was assigned the 1400-1600 shift on Sunday. Kind of a bummer since if we have watch assigned, we're not allowed to leave base that day. Lame because I wanted to go to the beach Sunday. Oh well. Gotta do what I gotta do!

It's WAY past my 15 minutes, but that's ok. I was taking care of 2 days in 1 post. It's now 2223. I'm 7 minutes over. Time for sleeping. I'm actually gonna get my watch situated then hit the hay. Goodnight everyone. I'll post tomorrow. Goodnight.

1 comment:

  1. DS just finished Day 1 at San Diego 2013. Starting with Marine week on Tuesday! Thanks for this blog so I can understand what his 4 weeks will entail.
