Monday, May 28, 2012

Day 4 Night.

28 MAY 2012

To celebrate our last night before Marine week, Colleen and I treated ourselves to Bucca di Beppo! Two of the guys from her unit, Chris and Ryan, joined us as well. We all shared a large family style Fetticini Supremo and cheesy garlic bread and it was AMAZING! Definitely ate well tonight :)

We also had a "who can drink the most glasses of water" contest in order to hydrate for tomorrow. We pretty much all came out even to 3 full glasses during dinner. Once we returned to the hotel though, it turned into a "who can make it back to the bedroom first to unlock the door into the bathroom to go pee first" contest. Colleen won! Haha. Poor me.

It currently won't let me upload the picture that we took at the dinner table for some reason, so I'll try again on Friday.

Also, I'm not bringing my camera to Marine week since electronics are off limits. Kind of bummed about that, but hopefully there will be someone there to take our pictures. Otherwise, I'll just have to vividly describe everything!

Until I blog again on Friday, I bid you farewell and goodnight :)

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