Sunday, June 3, 2012

Day 10 Pictures.

Christian is yet to master the art of the head stand.

Being silly :)

It was super windy today!

Love her!

Christian also tried to camouflage himself with the rocks....

Group photo! :)

Quotes by Christian:

"See but in order to build a sand castle, you kind of have to get sand in your pants."
-in response to Wang wanting to build a sand castle.

"I call this the Egyptian squirrel."
-in response to me asking which yoga pose he was doing.

"I don't understand how California could ever be in a drought. You live right by the ocean. Just build an aqueduct ya dumbs."
-sharing his thoughts on California.

"I went boating out in the ocean once. I thought I saw this guy swimming and he had this crazy looking mustache! Except it turned out to be a sea lion."
-just a random thought to break the silence.

"Is your brain leaking or something?"
-in response to an astonished look on my face.

"You caught me in the stink bug position!"
-when I tried to take a photo of them all doing a handstand.

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