Sunday, June 10, 2012

Day 15 & 16.

10 JUNE 2012

Why I stay awake writing blogs this late, I don't know. I always enjoy it right now, I like writing and getting my thoughts out before bed, but I always hate myself for doing so the next morning...

These past 2 days have once again been a blast! Yesterday right after we got back from the shipyard, Colleen and I went to Ocean Beach to get pedicures! They were amazing on our tired-of-combat-boot feet. I went with a bubble gum pink polish and Colleen chose a firecracker red color.

We had a SWO BBQ at 1500 and it was cool to see all our friends from the entire company again. We shared stories and memories with one another and some of the guys played football and whatnot. I relaxed for the majority of the evening before Sam and I went to Mission Beach to meet some friends at Roberto's. A few of the guys got burritos before we walked around the boardwalk. It ended up being myself, Scott, Chris, and Brian by the end of the night, so we all hopped into Scott's car to take Brian and Chris on a little tour of USD. The night started out kind of rough and a little boring, but it ended with some good country music on the drive back to base and I couldn't have been happier.

Today Colleen, Sam, and I got up early to go to SEA WORLD! I knew it was going to be a good day because we deemed today to be a sun dress and skirt day! We left around 0930 and got in free with our military ID's. Between the sea lions, dolphins (MY FAVORITE), sharks, and every sea creature in between's exhibits, I got my fair share of marine life in today. The Manta is open, the new roller coaster at Sea World, and that was a super fun ride as well! I've only been to Sea World once prior to this and had a mediocre time, but really enjoyed it today! :)

After Sea World, the 3 of us went to Ocean Beach to shop before heading back to base. Colleen got a super cute new bikini! Once back on base, we took a nap. Around 1930, we made it over to Mission Beach to have a bonfire with some friends. Sam and I collected wood from Home Depot last night and I brought s'more stuff for everyone as well. It was mainly the guys from my unit, but a few other friends came to join as well. At first, it was a little awkward since no one really new each other, but it got better once the s'mores busted out and everyone seemed to bond over roasting marshmallows. I had a really enjoyable evening!

Now I'm laying in bed, sleepy and hungry. Because we were still full from lunch we didn't eat in Ocean Beach and our nap caused us to miss evening chow. Then the s'mores cut our appetites, but now that its 0100 and I'm still awake, my tummy is growling :(

Can't wait for breakfast tomorrow! :)

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