Monday, June 11, 2012

Day 17.

10 JUNE 2012

I had full intentions of going paintball today with some of the people in Bravo, but unfortunately woke up with a massive headache. Totally bummed I missed out, but I knew I wouldn't be any fun and didn't want to bring anyone else's day down so I stayed in bed all morning. We kept the blinds shut so it stayed extremely dark in our "cave" so it was relaxing. Literally, Colleen and I didn't get out of bed until noon. It was amazing, minus the migraine. Around noon, my stomach was grumbling so we went to the galley for lunch. It was technically closed, but the ladies who worked there let us eat anyway. Super nice.

After lunch we did laundry and went to the beach! We decided on Mission Beach which turned out to be INSANELY packed. I haven't ever seen it so busy. I guess it makes sense since it's a weekend and summertime, but I'm just used to it on a regular weekend during the school year. I did see one of the sailors from the USS Stockdale so I went to say hello. Totally random and considering the amount of people at the beach that day and just the chances of seeing him again in general, I couldn't believe the odds but it was nice to visit with him.

Liberty ended at 1900, so we left the beach around 1730 so we would have time to get my truck washed and make it back on time. I washed my car for the 1st time in 4 months! I can't believe it's been that long... Feels good to drive a clean truck again though :)

We had to be back at 1900 because we had a meeting to discuss the upcoming Sub week. Alpha and Bravo were split into 3 large groups. I'm in the 3rd group with a lot of my friends so it should be a good week. Sadly, Colleen and I (we've decided to name our friendship 'Connie') have been split apart. That's 4 days we have to spend apart and we're worried about our separation anxiety already...

After the meeting we walked over to the mini mart to grab some dinner with Bryan and Chris. It was quite the adventure. After Colleen and I ate, we went to the Liberty Rec. center to meet up with some friends. We watched about an hour of 'Warrior' before the Rec. center closed at 2300.

Group 3 will be spending our 24 hours underway on the submarine on Wednesday night. I'm not sure what we'll be doing tomorrow and Tuesday, but I'm soon to find out! We muster at 0730 and it's midnight right now. I still need to wash my face and brush my teeth.

Again, why I stay up this late.. I'll never know. Goodnight :)

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