Monday, June 18, 2012

Day 25. Aviation Week.

18 JUNE 2012

It's barely 0700 and I've been awake for 3 hours already. Today has probably been our earliest morning, and now we're waiting for a brief to start.

Well the brief started and I had to put my phone away and it's 1105 now. We've done so much this morning and it's not even noon. It's even crazier to think that with all we've done this morning, some people are just now waking up!

So after our welcome aboard message we had an intro brief regarding emergency situations and safety precautions. The lady was super nice and really made the boring brief relatively entertaining. After about an hour, we got changed into our swimsuits to start our water training evolutions.

We started with a breaststroke swim then an underwater swim back and forth across the width of the pool. We threaded water and drown proofed for 30 seconds each as well. Once we showed we were capable of that, we got geared up in our flight suits.

The gear included a flight suit, boots, gloves, helmet, and floatation device. We swam the length of the pool, approximately 25 yards, then drown proofed for 2 minutes before having to manually inflate our life vests. I felt like I was the flight attendant doing the preflight safety precautions for real blowing into the little red tubes on the side. Haha.

The swim qual was relatively easy and I really enjoyed it. It was a lot of fun! The salt water was warm so that was nice too. Some people didn't pass which was a bummer but I think that just means that they won't be able to fly over water, only land. Which is no big deal if you ask me.

There were showers to rinse the salt water off before changing back into our dry flight suits. It's lunch time and I'm currently sitting in a lecture room. Some people are sleeping, some listening to their iPods, others playing on their phones, and the rest of them socializing. I wish I would have brought my ear phones to be able to listen to my music. But I learned my lesson today and won't forget them tomorrow!

Especially since tomorrow we're flying! Which means lots of waiting around.

At 1145 we're going into our next set of classes. I think ones on parachutes and bail out training again, but I'm not sure on the other one. We should be back to base around 4, which means plenty of time for liberty.

Wonder what the rest of the day has in store! :)

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